
iOS 11.3.1可越狱!黑客放出Houdini越狱工具

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podipod软库网6月8日消息:苹果iOS系统目前已经非常完善了,当然越狱后可玩性会更高。目前苹果已经发布了iOS 12,不过iOS 11.3.1的验证尚未关闭,现在越狱工具Houdini Beta3支持最高iOS 11.3.1的越狱了。iOS 11.3.1可越狱!黑客放出Houdini越狱工具据介绍,目前Houdini Beta3 越狱工具支持所有运行iOS 10/ 11 的 64 为iPhone,不过iOS 10.3. 3 并不支持。值得一提的是目前越狱并不完美,只要iOS 设备重启之后就会越狱失效,所以如果系统不是iOS 11.3. 1 的话,那么建议用原来的Electra进行越狱。越狱方法:通过Houdini主页下载ipa,用Cydia impactor安装,之后输入Apple ID、信任Houdini并点击即可。
What's new beta 3?
1.Support for iOS 11.2 to 11.3.1 (thanks to Ian Beer)
2.Home and lock screen widgets
(temporarily disabled)
3.Added Passcode customization in iOS 11
(with new features included)
4.Re-enabled themes in iOS 11
(partially works)
5.Added customizable icons
6.Customize iOS 11 Control Center
7.Option to disable system updates
8.Option to remove Houdini (stock iOS)
9.Faster startup time
10.UI Changes and bug fixes
11.Cleaner code base
What's new beta 2r1?
1.Fixes big boot logos (iOS 11)
What's new beta 2?
1.iOS 11 support
2.4.Faster startup time
3.Change Icon shapes (iOS 11)
4.System-wide ads Blocker (iOS 11)
5.Change Emoji fonts (iOS 11)
6.Change boot logo (iOS 11)
7.Add your face to Animoji (iOS 11) (X only)
8.Themes temporarily disabled (iOS 11)
9.Added safety measurements
Supported Devices
1.Any 64-bit device running
2.iOS 10.x (except 10.3.3)
3.and iOS 11 (up to 11.3.1)
Installation beta 3
1.You must use an Apple developer account
2.Visit Github
3.Run the project and enjoy!
1.Download the .ipa file and Cydia Impactor
2.Open Cydia Impactor and connect your device
3.Drag the Houdini.ipa file onto the Cydia Impactor window
4.Enter your Apple ID (email and password)
5.Open Settings → General → Profiles & Device Management
6.Trust the new certificate → open Houdini
7.Tap 'Houdini' and enjoy!
believe in yourself and make a positive impact in the world
1.下载Houdini.ipa文件和Cydia Impactor;
2.打开Cydia Impactor并连接设备;
3.将Houdini.ipa文件拖到Cydia Impactor窗口上;
4.输入Apple ID(电子邮件和密码);
越狱工具地址Cydia Impactor(Win)Cydia Impactor(Mac)Houdini.ipa(Alpha)


本文由 podipod软库网 作者:DevOps 发表,转载请注明来源!

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